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Life Pro Map 300 G.

28.90 €
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Life Pro Map 300 G. is a scientifically studied formula that brings together in a single product all the pure and optimized essential amino acids for a perfect and fast muscle growth and development.

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Life Pro Map 300 G. Master Amino Acid Pattern is a sports supplement based on a combination of essential amino acids scientifically designed and patented for perfect muscle growth, providing the exact nutrients the body needs to grow.

Life Pro Map (Master Amino Acid Pattern) is a patented blend that brings together the amino acids that the body needs to develop and grow,

It contributes to improve the metabolic function and therefore the growth of muscles, as well as a better protection of the heart (which is our main muscle) and great benefits in the neurotransmitter system of the body.

Three-quarters of the human body is made up of the 20 amino acids that the human body needs to function properly. Some of the amino acids are not essential, so the human body could produce them as long as it has the main raw materials, but all, absolutely all amino acids must be kept at the discretion of the organism since the human body has no mechanism to store them and use them when needed.

That is why it is so important for athletes and especially for bodybuilders, bodybuilders, etc ... supplementation with protein, amino acids, BCAA's and therefore with MAP.

LIFE PRO NUTRITION MAP 300 G. contains the 9 essential amino acids that our body can not produce and therefore we need to get them through proper nutrition or supplementation, of which no deficiency can occur especially in elite athletes. Taking a dose of LIFE PRO MAP approximately provides the body with the equivalent of 400 to 500 grams of lean meat.

Among the main functions: That is why in LIFE PRO we use the MAP formula, where the proportion of each amino acid is the exact one for its perfect functioning and efficiency.

Among the main functions we can highlight that MAP contributes to :

Stimulate muscle protein synthesis (anabolic and anti-catabolic effect), increases and improves muscle mass, improves oxygen supply to the muscles and participate in the synthesis of most hormones.

LIFE PRO NUTRITION MAP helps to optimize the acquisition of proteins by the body and the development of lean muscle mass quickly and an increase in power and strength.

 In addition, MAP aids rapid recovery and delays fatigue, so that workouts will also be improved.

LIFE PRO MAP is optimally absorbed in record time without digestive disorders and contains no side effects.


Map or Master Amino Acid Pattern is a revolutionary discovery in the world of nutrition, after 23 years by INRC (International Nutrition Research Centre).

Amino acids need to be assimilated in specific and determined proportions.

Although ingesting one type or another of amino acids in isolation may be relevant, it is not just a matter of ingesting certain types of amino acids, but in order to take advantage of this ingestion, it must be done respecting certain proportions between them.

Life Pro Map

When the proportions are not adequate, a large part of what is ingested is wasted and also generates residues that the body has to work to eliminate.

Map ensures that the amino acid intake is the daily amount of amino acids needed and that the 9 essential amino acids that our body cannot produce are present in the right proportions.

Map has been patented as a formula of highly purified, free and crystalline essential amino acids. It is the only patent on the market that reflects this pattern.


The essential amino acids (EEA) are those that our body cannot synthesize by itself, specifically its carbon chain, and can only be acquired through food or supplementation and it is essential to provide the amounts that the body needs as they are involved in numerous functions, both those related to sport and building muscle mass, as well as the secretion of hormones and good functioning in general.

From them, the body can synthesize by itself the semi-essential amino acids that will be used for multiple functions among them and mainly the plasma and tissue regeneration, in addition to various hormonal functions. 

Its deficit can cause a low physical performance, as well as several health problems. For the synthesis of protein chains to follow the correct process, the relative concentrations of essential amino acids must be optimal. If only one of them (limiting amino acid) is deficient in protein synthesis becomes ineffective (in the worst case) or less efficient with respect to its potential.

With MAP from Life Pro we achieve the perfect combination so that in a single supplement, you get all the benefits of essential amino acids, and their properties, in an optimal proportion.


Its main function is to help maintain muscle mass. Its presence in an adequate amount in the muscle helps to avoid the destruction of muscle fibers and tissues, that is to say, it avoids catabolism.

It stimulates protein synthesis, and is also involved in the optimal recovery from muscle injuries. Leucine also helps in the maintenance of an adequate blood sugar level.

Also, it can help to reduce that fat stored in our body, especially visceral fat because it allows to increase the metabolic rate during workouts.


The physical composition of this amino acid is very similar to that of leucine. These small variations are what makes each of them have different properties.

Isoleucine helps to eliminate fat during exercise because it promotes its use as a source of energy.

At a muscular level, it promotes the synthesis of new muscle fibers and their reconstruction after exercise, which results in an improvement in the recovery process after a muscle injury.

Together with other amino acids, it serves as a precursor of alanine and glutamine, two other amino acids which are found in greater quantities in our muscles.


The main and most important function of valine is to enable the positive nitrogen balance necessary to repair and build muscle tissues. 

When this balance is positive, that is to say, more nitrogen is retained than is eliminated, it means that the muscles have recovered their proper shape after intense training and that we are in a state that favors the gain of muscle mass.

Another characteristic that it presents is that of being a good also acts as a relaxant of the nervous system, which can reduce nervousness, anxiety or stress. 


It is a precursor of carnitine, a molecule involved in the transport of fats into the mitochondria.

Among its main functions, it is important in the segregation of growth hormone, as well as in the absorption of calcium.

It is a precursor of carnitine, a molecule that favors the utilization and transport of fats as a source of energy.

Lysine has antioxidant capacity. It favors the immune system and with proline and vitamin C participates in the formation of collagen.


Phenylalanine together is an amino acid that can be transformed into tyrosine and act as a precursor of various hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine or adrenaline.

In combination with tryptophan it controls the secretion of cholecystokinin. Cholecystokinin is one of the hormones involved in the control of satiety. It reduces appetite and may promote fat loss by preventing the consumption of those extra calories.

It acts as a potent endogenous analgesic. It is used in treatments against depression because it is involved in increasing energy levels.


The main function of threonine is to maintain adequate protein levels within the body. Among its main functions we can highlight that it is involved in the synthesis of digestive enzymes and is of vital importance to promote muscle growth as it contributes to maintain the net nitrogen balance. 

It also participates in the production of collagen, which helps to maintain the correct state of connective tissues.

Threonine contributes to the elimination of fat from the liver when combined with methionine and aspartic acid and is used to improve liver, skin and bone related diseases.


Amino acid that promotes the maintenance of skin, nails and hair tissues. It has antioxidant capacity that prevents the accumulation of fat in the arteries and liver. It promotes the excretion of estrogens.

 It is a precursor of bioactive compounds such as glutathione (GSH) and taurine.


This amino acid acts as a precursor of serotonin and melatonin, substances necessary for falling asleep, promoting rest and improving the feeling of well-being.

Tryptophan is appropriate for problems of anxiety, stress, appetite control and regulation of the nervous system. 

Tryptophan has an important role in physical recovery and development, this is because it supports the normal production of growth hormone. It participates in the creation of vitamin B3 and is used for its multiple properties as an antidepressant and anxiolytic,

It also contributes to reduce insulin levels in blood.


It is a vital amino acid for tissue repair and for bone and muscle growth. It has a large presence in hemoglobin. It plays a fundamental role in the protection of nerve cells.

It is responsible for maintaining the myelin sheaths that cover them in good condition. It is essential for the production of white and red blood cells. From histidine it will produce histamine.


Map contains an ideal ratio of amino acids.

Amino acids do not need to be digested. When ingested, they are transported directly to the muscle tissue where they are required. 

It is a versatile and convenient supplement to be taken both before and during workouts, as it does not generate heaviness or stomach discomfort.

It contains amino acids directly involved in maintaining and building muscle mass, favoring an anabolic environment.

They contribute to increase muscle mass and strength.

This form of ingesting amino acids is more efficient and faster than other forms in which the digestion process must be longer, and which optimizes recovery after physical exercise.

Unlike high protein whole foods or protein supplements, in which the amino acids that are part of its composition have to be digested, metabolized in the liver before being transported. They require more time and a much more complex process until they can be utilized.

It favors maximum nitrogen retention. In addition, it does not generate adverse effects or present any contraindications to its consumption. 

Leucine acts by activating the pathway called mTOR which can generate protein synthesis in muscles. It is more easily and rapidly absorbed than most other amino acids.

Map contains a proportion of BCAA's: these amino acids are essential elements for the maintenance of muscle mass as well as for accelerating recovery after physical activity.

All whey proteins contain essential amino acids, but an extra supply of these 3 amino acids, the BCAA's, which are directly involved in protein synthesis, can increase muscle mass gain.

The MAP ratio is one of the most optimal we can find for the multiple benefits in relation to muscle mass gain.

They help maintain glycogen stores as they can be used as fuel and therefore prevent fatigue or postpone it.

They help reduce fatigue both during and after training and promote optimal recovery after intense workouts. They can reduce muscle damage.

They reduce muscle soreness.

They promote muscle building and contribute to the production of glutamine. Stimulate protein synthesis and prevent catabolism or loss of muscle mass.

Contribute to establishing an anabolic environment in your body, providing you with muscle energy, 

They can help promote fat loss and minimize recovery times, fatigue and muscle soreness. 

They improve and accelerate physical recovery, increase your performance, and promote proper muscle development.


Life Pro Map is a scientifically studied formula that brings together in a single product all the pure and optimized essential amino acids for perfect and rapid muscle growth and development.

Life Pro Map (Master Amino Acid Pattern) is a proprietary blend that brings together the amino acids the body needs to develop and grow, improving metabolic function and therefore muscle growth, as well as better protection of the heart (which is our main muscle) and great benefits in the body's neurotransmitter system.

It is absorbed in the small intestine in less than 23 minutes from ingestion. In comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements need 3 to 6 hours to be digested. 

In addition, it promotes protein synthesis and protein degradation, so it helps, especially after physical exercise and over-exertion, damaged muscle cells to replenish and get protein for repair and development.

Life Pro MAP. has no added sugars and no carbohydrates, so the benefits of amino acids are not hindered by any other element. 

Your muscles will be nourished in the best possible way, providing valuable protection against catabolism, optimizing physical performance and improving recovery. It helps facilitate the growth of lean muscle mass.

MAP is a revolutionary supplement that can become a daily essential for people who take care of their diet and want to reach their body's amino acid and protein requirements in a comfortable way.


Yes, MAP amino acids provide the body with 99% NNU or Net Nitrogen Retention. Compared to other protein sources, Map has virtually maximum efficiency. Other supplements average 32%.

Map is much more efficient in carrying out protein synthesis thanks to this better assimilation.

Also, its speed of absorption is an important factor. Map can be absorbed in 23 minutes once it has been taken, while the rest of the proteins will need between 2 and 6 hours.


Life Pro MAP is a supplement that provides essential amino acids that can be taken at any time of the day when amino acids are needed to nourish our muscles, create an anabolic environment and promote protein synthesis. You can combine it with other supplements or meals throughout the day, for example, with a protein isolate or protein concentrate supplement.

Two key times for amino acid intake are: 

Before training: Life Pro MAP is very useful to ensure that during training the necessary amino acids are available in the body and maintain muscle mass.

During training: being a light and easy to take supplement, it can be ideal to take while performing the corresponding physical activity. They guarantee a correct supply of amino acids to the muscles and, in addition, they will go directly to them since they do not need to be digested. They are absorbed quickly.

After training: they can contribute to create a favorable environment for muscle mass gain and decrease fatigue.


Yes, Life Pro MAP is suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Amino acids, unlike conventional dietary protein supplements, cannot be classified as an animal or vegetable product. 

These are, simply, natural chemical compounds, now if the original compound can be of animal or vegetable origin, in the case of SON Formula it is vegetable. 

The rest of the amino acids on the market are normally obtained by hydrolyzing any type of protein.


Yes, free amino acid supplements break the fasting state. 

In spite of their capsule format, they have certain calories because they are part of proteins, a macronutrient that generally provides 4kcal per gram. Map provides a smaller amount: 0.04kcal per gram. However, certain amino acids require an insulin peak to enter the cells, so they do break the fasting state.


Take 5 capsules, preferably on an empty stomach or half an hour before a meal.

For amateurs: 5 to 10 tablets of MAP, once a day, 30-45 minutes before physical activity, in conjunction with the daily requirements of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

For the professional athlete: 10 tablets of MAP, once daily, 30-45 minutes before physical activity, in conjunction with the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. 

In addition, 10 additional MAP tablets to be taken after physical activity, at the next meal (either lunch or dinner).

Nutritional facts


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