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Life Pro Woman Gotu Kola 1000mg 90 Vegancaps

23.90 €
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Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 is a food supplement that offers all the natural benefits of gotu kola or centella asiatica, a plant with a series of very valuable properties. It is diuretic, anti-inflammatory and improves the condition of your skin.

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Life Pro Essentials is a line of products with which Life Pro aims to bring to its customers a series of natural ingredients that have very valuable properties. Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 is the perfect example to demonstrate that this objective is being achieved, since it is a plant native to Asia and some parts of Africa that, if it were not for this product, many of you would never know about it.

Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 is composed of centella asiatica, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stannate and gelatin. Gotu kola or centella asiatica has been used for many years as a therapeutic plant in the traditional medicine of India and Japan, among other places. Among its many benefits, it is worth mentioning some of them, such as its ability to eliminate fluid retention, which makes it an effective natural diuretic.

Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 has very valuable properties for healthy skin, as it is anti-cellulite, prevents problems such as stretch marks or psoriasis and helps increase collagen production.

As for its benefits for athletes, the analgesic and anti-inflammatory capacity of Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 stands out. Also, it contributes to eliminate fluid retention naturally, helps to achieve a healthy skin, improves collagen production and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Gotu Kola is recommended for the improvement of:

Connective tissue: wounds, burns, scleroderma, psoriasis. 

Articular: psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. 

Circulation: venous insufficiency, varicose veins, varicose ulcers, leg edema.

Mental health: mental fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, memory and learning.

Thus, it is an ideal supplement for those athletes who suffer pain and discomfort after their workouts, something that is very common in endurance disciplines. Each bottle contains 90 capsules.


The Gotu Kola herb has been used for a long time in the traditional medicine of many countries. Its uses are varied, as it can be used as a medicinal herb or simply as a seasoning for many recipes such as curries, salads or some drinks.

This plant has its origins in India, Indonesia, China, Japan, South Pacific, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Both the traditional medicine of India and China has been used since long ago for its large number of properties in order to treat a variety of diseases related to the skin, memory and circulation.

Today, some studies and analyses have shown that Gotu Kola can improve blood flow and strengthen veins and capillaries, while other research suggests that it has a positive effect on circulatory system deficiencies.

It differs from a similar flat plant called Kola Nut (crisp cola) in that it does not contain caffeine and therefore does not have stimulant properties. Its leaves are small and fan-shaped, its flower can be of various colors and it produces small fruits.

Gotu Kola (also known as Asian pennywort or Indian pennywort) is a perennial plant, that is to say, it lives for several years.  It differs from Kola Nut in that it does not contain caffeine. Its leaves are small and fan-shaped, its flower can be of various colors and it produces small oval-shaped fruits.

Gotu Kola grows in or near water, and is a plant belonging to the parsley family. Its leaves and stems are mainly used for medicinal purposes.

Its popularity and widespread use began when ancient physicians decided to study the habits of elephants to find out the reason for their amazing memory and long life. 

They realized that the secret was none other than Gotu Kola, which has a bitter taste and is commonly eaten by these animals. After studying it well, they found many ways to use it and introduced it into their tradition, either for medicinal or culinary purposes, as a life prolonger.

With a wide use and a long history, Gotu Kola was also used to stimulate the healing of wounds, and even to delay the progress of leprosy.


Among the main benefits of Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 we can highlight: 

Antiaging effect:

Delays the symptoms of aging and improves the overall appearance of skin, hair and nails. 

One of the most widespread uses of this natural plant is due to its dermatological properties. These properties are known because it improves skin pathologies, including stretch marks, eczemas, psoriasis, etc.

It also has anti-cellulite properties. Gotu Kola also stands out because it can help increase the production of collagen, increase the production of antioxidants and therefore prevent skin aging. It improves circulation, blood flow and healing.

Stimulates the growth of blood capillaries in the connective tissue, improves circulation and venous return of the lower body.

Gotu Kola acts by favoring the reduction and improvement of varicose veins, and reduces edema.

It can be a natural remedy for these pathologies because it helps to improve circulation. It is used as a natural treatment in all those people who have poor circulation and as a result have edemas, leg pains, varicose veins, etc.

Increase the concentration of antioxidants and collagen improving wound healing. 

Gotu Kola has a compound called triterpenoids, which besides helping to reduce anxiety and stress, helps to improve wound healing. 

This compound helps to strengthen the skin, to increase the amount of antioxidants and due to its vasodilator function, to improve the blood and its circulation around wounds that favor the restoration of damaged tissue.

Due to these properties, it is also used to improve the condition of scars and burns, preventing the loss of elasticity and decreasing scar formation.

It reduces stress levels and decreases anxiety.

Gotu Kola can help reduce stress and anxiety without the use of drugs, in a natural way. This happens because it has compounds called triterpenoids. Triterpenoids have adaptogenic properties. That is, they help to reduce these levels, but do not affect the nervous system.

It is for this reason that a large number of people choose to use it in order to reduce daily stress levels and the associated consequences, 

Contributes to the improvement of cognitive function and memory. 

Gotu Kola helps to improve blood flow to the brain and various nerve functions. It contributes to maintain an optimal balance of the various parts that make up the brain.

This natural plant helps to improve memory as it contributes to maintain and increase the levels of enzymes that act as antioxidants in the hippocampus, the part of the brain in charge of memory. This also occurs because it acts as a cerebral vasodilator. 

It is one of the benefits why this plant has been used for so many years, in order to reduce the loss of cognitive abilities.

It has anti-inflammatory properties 

Gotu Kola has numerous anti-inflammatory properties for the body. It is a natural plant that possesses soothing properties and has an effect similar to a natural painkiller.

It can help decrease the novel physical pain associated with bone diseases, such as arthritis, or muscle pain produced by various causes.

High blood pressure: 

Several studies have shown that Gotu Kola can help lower high blood pressure.


Gotu Kola is recommended for all those who want to benefit from its multiple benefits and natural properties. 

It may be recommended for those who:

Who want to reduce the level of stress or anxiety in a natural way and without the use of drugs.

Combat insomnia.

Achieve an improvement of cognitive functions, memory and learning.

Improve circulation and avoid venous insufficiencies.

Improve the healing process of wounds and burns.

people who have high blood pressure and want to reduce their levels.


In moderate doses it does not present any side effects. In case of pregnancy, it is recommended to consult with a specialist about the recommended use.

The side effects of Gotu Kola are practically non-existent. They may occur in the case of excessive consumption, leading to very high doses, which are not recommended. Possible side effects are headache, nausea or vomiting, allergy and burning sensation and slight dizziness.


It is recommended to take a dose of 2 capsules per day on an empty stomach.

Nutritional facts


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